9 thoughts on “Thoughts and Smiles

  1. David Jones says:

    Hi David!
    And congrats on putting up your FIRST post. As always, just a superb contribution that is simply awesome to behold. Keep up the good work!

  2. David Jones says:

    Hello Again,
    I think you forgot to mention that it was with the generous assistance of Mr. Greg Hollinger and his detailed and comprehensive instructions enabled you to make your first post. Just sayin’
    Thanks to you, Greg!

  3. David Jones says:

    Hello David,
    Well, it seems things are working out and you are well on your way to opening a discussion on this blog. New to you as it appears, and perhaps new to others, so you should remind everyone that they can add any thoughts or contribute to the discussion along the way. Just remember, David, stay humble and don’t let the fan mail go to your head. Remember too the wisdom of Stewie Griffin – “I’m on MySpade so I can let other’s creativity express my individuality”. Or something like that!
    And now… make yourself a coffee and let some other folks join the discussion.

  4. Alice Thordarson says:

    Hi David,
    Your weekly “Thoughts and Smiles” are most interesting, stimulates self-reflection, inspires us, and provides much-needed humour. Keep up this good work!
    I especially love your Avatar!

  5. Lois J. says:

    Love reading your “Thoughts and Smiles”. Very enlightening. They provide an interesting start for beginning my week. Keep them coming.

  6. David Jones says:

    I just discovered an interesting website with inspirational readings. The few I have listened to are both relaxing and thought-provoking. Should you be interested in exploring along with me, you can find the site at:

  7. Sharon Moore says:

    We’ve enjoyed reading your ‘blog’ thoughts and humour before you even had a web page David. Somehow they always hit home..Sharon Moore

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